Montana Queen

Software Engineer

About Education History Projects Contact Login/Register The Sandbox


Welcome to my website! My name is Montana Queen, and I am currently working as a software engineer at Ultra Maritime. While my position encompasses many tasks, my main responsibilities are to create software for customers and simulators for data transmission. Outside of work, I can still be found writing code. Programming is something I enjoy, and has been a long-time passion of mine. As such, I love learning about new languages and tools to utilize when given the opportunity.

My LinkedIn | My Resume


University at Buffalo

Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science

August 2016 - May 2020

I attended the University at Buffalo where I majored in Computer Science. While there, I took classes that focused on programming fundementals, data structures, project management, and software development. I explored languages such as C++, C#, Python, and JavaScript.

Work History

Ultra Maritime

Software Engineer
August 2020 - Current
Languages: C#, C++, Java
Tools: Visual Studio/.NET, Eclipse, Jira, SVN (Apache Subversion)

- Collaborating to develop software to align with customer and system requirements
- Testing for and logging faults
- Tracking task progress through scrum boards
- Utilizing tools to maintain version control
- Develop and maintain software for in-house testing


Personal Website

Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MySQL

I took an interest in web-based tools and laguages and began to study them independently. I played around with JavaScript and MySQL to become more comfortable with them, one example being a basic user system. It doesn't do much for now other than a basic registration, login, and display a user profile.


One method you can reach me is by filling out the form below. Upon entering the needed information and clicking submit, you will receive a confirmation email and I will respond when I can. Alternatively, if you'd rather craft the message yourself, my email is